Chain/Bracelet Repair In-Take Quote submission message here! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Select Your Repair ↓Repair Requested *Soldering a Gold Chain/Bracelet Starting @ $39.95Soldering a Silver Chain/Bracelet Starting @ $29.95Gold Clasp Replacement Starting @ $24.95Silver Clasp Replacement Starting @ $24.95Pearl and Bead Restringing Starting @ $0.00Misc Chain and Bracelet Repairs ESTIMATES Starting @ $0.00Provide Your Info ↓Name *FirstLastEmail *Zip Code *Item Description *Please Briefly Describe Your Watch Example - "18 inch Gold Rope Chain"Declared Value *Please let us know if the item replacement value is above $250 for shipping insurance and liability purposesComment or MessageDefect (Far View) * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Defect (Close View) * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Front View (Entire View) * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. → Please wait until the images have completely uploaded before clicking NEXT!Having a problem uploading images?Click here to bypass image upload requirement. Please send your pictures to this email if you're having trouble loading your images here We will NOT be able to give you a quote if we can't see your problem!Terms of Service. *I have read and agree to the Terms of ServiceCommentNEXT